Situational Judgement Test (SJT) conducted at Pearson VUE

Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs) are a measurement methodology designed to assess judgement in work relevant situations. The Foundation Trainee Pharmacist SJT has been designed to assess the professional attributes expected of a Foundation Trainee Pharmacist. The scenarios have been written by subject matter experts who work closely with Foundation Trainee Pharmacists. This ensures that the scenarios presented are realistic and fair and provide an accurate reflection of what Foundation Trainee Pharmacists encounter in their role.

The SJT will be a written test examining five of the attributes from within the Foundation Trainee Professional Attributes Framework. It will consist of 52 scenarios to be completed in 104 minutes. When responding to each scenario you will be asked to place yourself in the role of a Foundation Trainee Pharmacist and indicate what you should do in response to the situation presented.

Within the SJT there will be two types of response format:

Multiple choice where you will be required to select the three most appropriate actions (out of a total of 8) in response to the scenario

Rank five responses in order of appropriateness in response to the scenario

Numeracy Test conducted at Pearson VUE

The numeracy test will be taken directly before the SJT in the same room. The test is designed to test numeracy with less clinical context than the GPhC registration assessment. It will last approximately 20 minutes.
The numeracy test is designed to provide assurance of an applicant’s ability to carry out basic pharmaceutical calculations. There are ten questions and the time allowed for the exercise is 20 minutes. These calculations are not provided in a clinical context and are designed to test mathematical ability rather than practice knowledge.
Calculators are permitted to be used during the test. You may not use calculators on smartphones, tablets, smartwatches or equivalent technology. Answers will be free text (i.e. not multiple choice).
IMPORTANT: calculators will not be provided at selection centres.

SJT / Numeracy Sample Paper

The Sample Paper consists of 35 SJT scenarios presented in the two formats you will see in the actual test, and 10 numeracy questions.

The paper is presented in an online computer-based format which looks and behaves like the real test you will sit when visiting a Pearson Vue centre. This will allow you to be become familiar with the general functionality of the interface while answering questions which have undergone the same creation and testing process as the real questions. Click on the link below to access the sample paper.

Paper Version

You can also find paper versions of the online test below. The SJT paper version contains full answer keys and rationales provided at the end of part 2 (these are not provided at the end of the online test). The numeracy paper contains 10 questions, followed by answers.

You are encouraged to attempt the papers without looking at the answers in the first instance, and to time yourself in preparation for your assessment sitting (the online paper already contains a timer). These can be accessed below.

SJT Scoring Guidance

Please see details below on how the SJT responses will be marked and scored.